
PlayBook Launches Without BlackBerry Bridge Support from AT&T

As if the world needed more evidence that RIM rushed the PlayBook to market before it was in order, AT&T customers who jumped on the PlayBook bandwagon were foiled to discover that the BlackBerry Bridge app is non available.

Other wireless customers were able to download the BlackBerry Bridge app and connect the PlayBook with a BlackBerry smartphone. AT&T customers who tried to get the BlackBerry Bridge app from the Blackberry bush App World, though, were instead greeted with this content: "This application is not available along your device or for your carrier."

RIM BlackBerry PlayBook
The BlackBerry Bridge app required to make the PlayBook functional is non visible for AT&T customers.

What's the big deal? Well, RIM's half-treated tablet lacks some capacity natively to sync e-mail, contacts, and such and relies on the BlackBerry Bridge app to lead wirelessly to a BlackBerry smartphone soh it can cost fruitful vicariously through with the mobile phone. A PlayBook without BlackBerry Span is as useless as a car with no more railway locomotive, or an airplane with no wings.

In Video: RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook Is a Analyse in Contrasts

If you're comparable Pine Tree State, you jumped to the conclusion that this is the fault of the heinous AT&T Empire. AT&T never met a fee it didn't equal, and it seems reasonable–based on AT&T's history of wringing every possible centime from other services like the Wi-Fi hotspot capability of the iPhone, operating room turn-by-turn seafaring–to assume that the lack of Blackberry bush Bridge is caused by AT&T wanting to get to sure customers pay for that prerogative. As it turns out, though, this seems like just another example of how RIM tripped over its have feet in trying to race to market with an unfinished tablet.

The official response I conventional from AT&T spokesperson Seth Bloom is, "AT&adenosine monophosphate;T is working with Brim to stool the BlackBerry Bridge app available for AT&T customers. We undergo retributory received the app for examination and earlier IT's made available to AT&T customers we want to ensure information technology delivers a tone get."

It is still possible that AT&T power find a way to tax the BlackBerry Bridge tethering, but leastways for today that isn't the crux of the job. No, the problem seems to be poor planning by RIM. It is bad decent that the tablet International Relations and Security Network't functional as a standalone device, but if RIM wants to go to market with a tablet that requires a connection to a smartphone to work, it should have worked more closely with wireless providers to shuffle sure all those pieces were in place before the big launch.

Thankfully, if you are an AT&T customer who hurried dead set take hold of a PlayBook, there is an loose workaround that will let you aim the BlackBerry Bridge deck app piece AT&ere;T goes through the motions of reviewing the app to dedicate it the administrative body seal of approval of approval.


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